Intellectual Property Law
Intellectual Property Law is one of our widely practiced subjects. Besides effective counseling on intellectual property laws, we have conducted varied litigations on Intellectual Property Laws. We practice following subject on the Intellectual Property Laws.
- Trademark :
We provide exhaustive services pertaining to registration of trademark which includes, trademark search, filing trademark application, contesting opposition, renewal of trademark etc. We have also conducted large number of cases on Trademark infringement and passing off. We possess extensive and in-depth knowledge on trademark law, which enables us to claim expertise on trade mark laws.
We provide online services of trademark applications. Please go our online services to avail this facility.
- Patent :
Patent is one of the most complex and technical subject. We provide exhaustive services relating to filing patent, including patent search and drafting of specification. Specification is a major concern for filing of patent application. Most of the patent applications gets rejected merely because of inadequate and general writing of specification. A most precise and thoroughly written specification always have better chances of approval. We deliver substantial time in understanding the work, including field study, before writing the specification. Besides patent filing we also conduct litigations on patent infringement.
- Copyright :
We provide exhaustive services pertaining to copyright registration. We also conduct litigations pertaining to copyright infringements. We provide online services for copyright registration. Please go to our online services to avail this facility.
- Designs :
We provide exhaustive services pertaining to registration of design. Write us if you have any query pertaining to registration of design.
- Geographical Indications :
Geographical Indication is an indication which originates from a definite geographical territory of the country, identifying an agricultural, natural or manufactured good processed or prepared in that territory. Such geographical indications can be registered by an association of person or producers or authorities under the law, representing the interest of the producers of the good of that territory. A producer of such good, can upon his registration, become a authorized user of such geographical indication. We provide services pertaining to registration of geographical indications. We also undertake litigations pertaining to infringement of geographical indications. Please feel free to contact us, or ask if you have any query relating to registration of such geographical indications or its infringement.
- Trade Secrets :
Trade Secret is still an uncodified law in India. Normally, a employee working in an organization is bound to learn the business secrets and techniques of its organization during the course of his employment. Such trade secrets are recognized intellectual properties rights of such organization, which such organization is entitled to protect from any disclosure. We provide exhaustive counseling to our clients regarding execution of appropriate non-disclosure agreement with its employees preventing disclosure of any information, techniques or secret learned by the employee during the course of his employment with the organization. We also conduct litigations pertaining to trade secrets.